
the foundations of oppression can't be plucked up without the anger of a multitude

Posts Tagged ‘poetry by heart

Poetry By Heart – reflections on new, reactionary ‘revolutions’ in poetry

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So the UK government’s Department of Education (DfE) have given “£500,000 of funding to The Poetry Archive to develop and run the National Poetry Competition as part of its commitment to help bring poetry to life in schools.”[1]  The competition is called ‘Poetry by Heart’ and, says DfE, it aims to “promote understanding of poetry as a dynamic art form and enable pupils to develop self-confidence and creative understanding” and to teach the “skills of memorisation and performance.” Of course, “memorisation” appeals to Tory heartlands. It is resonant Rows of Obedient School Childrenof the kind of old-fashioned teaching which reactionaries feel that the mythical ‘PC Brigade’ have outlawed. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by angrysampoetry

January 11, 2013 at 10:14 am